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Practical Chinese Martial Arts
Shuai Jiao and San Da Introduction 摔跤和散打基本課程
Short mission statement: the legacy of the Guoshu movement (1:46)
Falling Method 倒法
Understanding the interface between break falls and ground work (8:47)
Introduction to falling method (2:26)
Forward shoulder roll 定步前滾翻倒法 (3:28)
Side fall 左右側倒法 (0:43)
Get up from floor 起立 (2:14)
Foundation Training
Side stance 横弓步 and wheeling body 車輪身 (5:55)
Seven-star angle stepping 七星步法 (2:50)
Shuai Jiao (with jacket)
Bǎ 把 - jacket gripping (5:01)
Bǎ 把 - jacket gripping part two (1:42)
Bǎ 把 - jacket gripping part three (1:22)
“Pressing” (pulling down on collar) 撳 (搇) (5:15)
“Pressing” (pulling down on collar) 撳 part two (2:03)
Qìn 撳 pulling down - part three (7:52)
Bǎ 把 - jacket gripping part four (3:52)
Pinning, leg passing and “X pattern” stepping (6:30)
Pinning technique 抑制技術 (4:45)
Counters against gripping (5:47)
Separating hands 分手 (to prevent the bridge) (6:10)
Separating hands 分手 (to prevent the bridge) part two (3:46)
Introduction to the “twenty-four entry hands” 二十四開手技術 - Diagonal pulling 釣落 (5:42)
Mirror hand 照鏡手 and diagonal striking 斜打 (9:12)
Arm drag 捯 and shove 擠 (5:00)
Twisting hands 索手 (also a Bak Mei technique) (4:09)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 (4:45)
Elbow locking 鎖肘 - one (6:59)
"Crossing the bridge" 橋 - part one (4:48)
"Crossing the bridge" 橋 - part two (11:14)
Cutting or reaping sweep 切 (7:33)
Hand throws part one - Shǒu Bié 手别 and Kòu 扣 掏 (8:18)
Hand throws part two - Tāo 掏 (3:30)
"Crossing" Yē 掖 pin hand / arm to their body (5:37)
Hip Throw - Wèn 搵 (6:30)
Hip throw - Wèn 搵 #2 (6:31)
BONUS CLIP: extra detail on hip throw (1:33)
Leg Blocking - Bie 別 (2:56)
Leg blocking - Bié 別 #2 (3:27)
Kuǎi 𢫑 "limp leg" (3:08)
Tiāo 挑 “Raise” / raise leg between opponent’s legs (1:01)
Liāo 撩 vertical lifting (across both legs) (1:21)
Chuāi 揣 - shoulder throw (#1 inside) (6:37)
Chuāi 揣 - shoulder throw (#2 outside) (5:28)
Dáo 捯 (arm drag) to Rù 入 (“through” or cross body hip throw) (2:34)
Lǒu 摟 - front body lock throw (9:22)
Defense against front body lock (2:23)
Kào 靠 - shouldering / leaning (4:10)
Special Shuai Jiao Throw - Kào Mó 靠磨 grind with head (0:57)
Special Shuai Jiao Throw - Guǎn 管 (3:00)
Defense when opponent grabs both hands (8:22)
Leg seizing - Jiǎn 撿 (6:55)
Other hand skills (3:56)
Tī 踢 sweep / foot sweep (10:13)
Mǒ Bó Tī 抹脖踢 neck mopping kick (6:41)
Suǒ Zhǒu Tī 鎖肘踢 elbow locking kick (8:40)
Cuō 撮 leg pick up (3:23)
Yǎo 咬 shin bite (2:15)
Guì Fān Dào Shù 跪翻倒樹 kneel to overturn the tree (2:06)
Lāo 撈 picking up/scooping with hand (2:10)
More Detail - Lāo 撈 (3:19)
Inside side gate 內側門 and "tricks" (1:59)
Stepping to inside side gate (detail) (1:02)
Bà 耙 raking against heel (3:15)
Bà 耙 raking against heel (details) (2:25)
Bà Ná 耙拿 ankle pick (2:04)
Sweep to set up Bà Ná 耙拿 (2:29)
Dé Hé 得合 inner hooking (2:02)
Guì Dé Hé 跪得合 kneeling inner hooking (1:53)
Bāi 掰 break with both hands, spin (8:45)
Methods of rear neck surrounding (face lock) (2:30)
Defense against rear neck surrounding (7:45)
Bá 拔 pull out, pluck (back of collar) #1 (3:25)
Bá 拔 pull out, pluck (back of collar) #2 (0:32)
Zhuāi 拽 pull down using both collar and arm (2:21)
Bēng 崩 - cracking (7:02)
Foundations for push hands and Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (11:21)
Pushing and uprooting (5:27)
Learning to receive force 棚勁 (13:52)
Another look at pushing and driving (4:21)
Chǎn 產 yielding part one (4:56)
Chǎn 產 yielding part two (3:57)
Chǎn 產 Yielding part three (3:17)
Chǎn 產 yielding part four 照鏡手 捯 鎖肘 (5:04)
Shuai Jiao pushing hands (4:22)
Upper Four Shields 四高盾 (reacting to impact) (7:34)
Xiān 掀 reach over shoulder to grab belt (4:47)
Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown (8:54)
Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown #2 and Dǎng 擋 high crotch single leg (5:54)
Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown - finish with "run the pipe" (1:25)
Kuí 魁 use the head to throw (2:41)
Introduction to Xī 吸 counters to throws
Introduction to Xī 吸 counters to throws (3:02)
Counter with Pàn 判 (1:52)
Eyebrow mopping Mǒ Méi 抹眉 (1:32)
Eyebrow mopping Mǒ Méi 抹眉 - part two (1:32)
Counter throw by leg hook Gōu 勾 (1:21)
Chōu 抽 counters to sweeps (1:23)
Qin Na 擒拿, including Dài Bǔ Shù 逮捕術 (police techniques)
Bēng 崩 - cracking (7:02)
Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock (cross side) (4:03)
Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock (same side) (3:44)
Dà Chán Shǒu 大纏手 large wrist wrap lock (2:29)
Xiǎo Chán Shǒu 小纏手 small wrist wrap lock (1:59)
Sān Cì Bài Fú 三次拜佛 3 times pray to Buddha (4:52)
Bà Wáng Qǐng Kè 霸王請客 Tyrant invites to dinner (2:41)
Yā Zhǒu 壓肘 press the elbow (4:54)
Zuǒ Yòu Jiāo Zhǒu 左右交肘 cross the arms at elbows (7:19)
San Da (with boxing gloves)
Six Gates Theory 六門論 - part one (11:42)
Six Gates Theory 六門論 - part two (6:17)
Six Gates Theory 六門論 - part three (7:25)
Six Gates Theory 六門論 - part four (10:32)
BONUS: Shield or Intercept (against circular strikes) (3:47)
Kicking - Ti 踢 (5:28)
Front kicks with thrust (穿腿) or (穿心腿) (11:53)
Traditional twisting stance front kick (扭馬穿心腿) (4:05)
Side Kick (側腿) (4:36)
Cross kick or crushing kick (窒腿) (2:12)
Using Seven-Star footwork with kicking (2:33)
Kick catches (接腿) (0:42)
Chopping leg (劈腿) (0:50)
Intercept (截) (1:44)
San Da Shuai Fa 散打摔法
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa (9:47)
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa - securing the clinch (6:26)
Secure the clinch (another look) (12:09)
Outside side gate 外側門 - part one (6:11)
Outside side gate 外側門 - part three (10:38)
Outside side gate 外側門 - another look (3:59)
Step to outside side gate against striking (2:29)
Inside side gate 內側門 (3:39)
Inside side gate 內側門 - part one (13:04)
Inside side gate 內側門 - part two (11:37)
Step to inside side gate against striking (4:43)
Punches to set up takedowns (6:06)
Jiǎn 撿 (2:50)
Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing - another look (1:37)
Zhuàng 撞 / Guǎn 管 / Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
Guǎn 管 (3:34)
Guǎn 管 #2 / Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:52)
Neck Surrounding - Jiā Bó 夾脖 (3:07)
Kicking for free fighting (3:57)
Kicking to set up takedowns (3:12)
“White Crane Splashes Water” 白鶴濺水 (1:05)
"Crossing the bridge" 橋 (2:07)
Pivot step - Shū Bù 樞步 (7:31)
Head movement 閃頭 - duck and attack legs (6:00)
Head movement 閃頭 - slip against straight punching (6:59)
Shuǎi 甩 “dump” - whizzer against single leg takedown (1:32)
Cuō 搓 rub - hooking cross face against single leg (1:45)
Fǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 - reverse neck surrounding against single leg (2:15)
Template for upper body grappling (1:24)
Spinning 擰 (5:58)
Chā 杈 pitchfork (1:48)
Steal step 偷步 (3:11)
Dào 倒 outside hip throw (4:37)
Lama Pai Kung Fu
The fist formation (1:33)
Liù Lì (六力) six forces and Bā Jìn (八勁) Eight Powers (2:00)
Traditional format training is for concepts and body method (11:09)
Side stance (横弓步) and “wheeling body” (車輪身) (15:59)
Straight punch 穿搥 with concepts (6:26)
Back fist 鞭搥 (3:35)
APPLICATION: Back fist (鞭搥) into straight punch (穿搥) combination (1:27)
Hanging fist (掛搥) into overhand strike (扱搥) (11:32)
Meridian Stepping 子午步法 and continuous strike step 連環打步 (8:44)
BONUS CLIP: Lihn Waan Paau Choih (連環抛搥) (0:58)
Gwa Choih 掛搥, Deng Jeung 釘掌, So Choih 掃搥, Jong Choih 沖搥 (8:11)
Cross to body (插搥) Chā Chuí (1:43)
"Haut" aka Teut 脫 (7:12)
Shí Bā Mó Qiáo 十八摩橋 Double Hand Push (4:10)
Yǐn 引 - arm guiding (2:12)
"Knock down the doors" (various options) (3:24)
Lifting - Tuō 托 (1:26)
Small trapping strike (小扣打) Xiǎo Kòu Dǎ (5:55)
Seven-star (angle) stepping (七星步法). (10:24)
Side stance straight punch (穿搥), kicking stance hanging fist (掛搥) (7:44)
San Da (Free Fighting) applications: Lama Pai
Seven star stepping 七星步法 (14:41)
“Ruthless Chicken Foot” (4:34)
Ground work for Shuai Jiao students
Introduction to ground fighting (5:55)
Introduction to basic principles of ground fighting (3:21)
Defense against a standing attacker #1 (4:11)
Defense against a standing attacker #2 (2:11)
Defense against a standing attacker #3 (4:41)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 (4:45)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 part two (6:55)
Escape from side across position #1 (14:56)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 - knee on body (3:22)
Escape from knee on body (6:49)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 - side across position (7:26)
Escape from side across position #2 (5:14)
Escape from turtle position (sit out) (5:53)
Review / overview of escapes from bottom positions (15:26)
Closed guard position (12:02)
Top ride from defense against knee on body (3:14)
Open guard positions and sweeps (18:17)
Get back to your feet (the get up) (9:41)
Escape from mount position #1 (4:28)
Sweep from closed guard (7:04)
Escape from side across position #1
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