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The Chinese martial arts were actually the FIRST to do full contact competitions and there was a time when they were respected fighting methods. Sadly, today much of this authentic training has been lost, replaced by performance based gymnastics and myths about internal power.
Sifu David A Ross is a lineage holder in both Tibetan Lama Pai and Bao Ding Shuai Jiao. Sifu Ross has also trained fighters who have won three world titles in San Da, 18 national titles in tournament Sanshou, a national title in Muay Thai and three professional titles in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA).
Your Instructor
Author, educator, combat sports coach and martial arts master; David A Ross has helped the public better understand real martial arts An adopted disciple of the late master Chan Tai-San, one of China’s national treasures, David has over three decades teaching and coaching experience, both champion fighters and regular people who just want to achieve their goals.
Course Curriculum
StartBǎ 把 - jacket gripping (5:01)
StartBǎ 把 - jacket gripping part two (1:42)
StartBǎ 把 - jacket gripping part three (1:22)
Start“Pressing” (pulling down on collar) 撳 (搇) (5:15)
Start“Pressing” (pulling down on collar) 撳 part two (2:03)
StartQìn 撳 pulling down - part three (7:52)
StartBǎ 把 - jacket gripping part four (3:52)
StartPinning, leg passing and “X pattern” stepping (6:30)
StartPinning technique 抑制技術 (4:45)
StartCounters against gripping (5:47)
StartSeparating hands 分手 (to prevent the bridge) (6:10)
StartSeparating hands 分手 (to prevent the bridge) part two (3:46)
StartIntroduction to the “twenty-four entry hands” 二十四開手技術 - Diagonal pulling 釣落 (5:42)
StartMirror hand 照鏡手 and diagonal striking 斜打 (9:12)
StartArm drag 捯 and shove 擠 (5:00)
StartTwisting hands 索手 (also a Bak Mei technique) (4:09)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 (4:45)
StartElbow locking 鎖肘 - one (6:59)
Start"Crossing the bridge" 橋 - part one (4:48)
Start"Crossing the bridge" 橋 - part two (11:14)
StartCutting or reaping sweep 切 (7:33)
StartHand throws part one - Shǒu Bié 手别 and Kòu 扣 掏 (8:18)
StartHand throws part two - Tāo 掏 (3:30)
Start"Crossing" Yē 掖 pin hand / arm to their body (5:37)
StartHip Throw - Wèn 搵 (6:30)
StartHip throw - Wèn 搵 #2 (6:31)
StartBONUS CLIP: extra detail on hip throw (1:33)
StartLeg Blocking - Bie 別 (2:56)
StartLeg blocking - Bié 別 #2 (3:27)
StartKuǎi 𢫑 "limp leg" (3:08)
StartTiāo 挑 “Raise” / raise leg between opponent’s legs (1:01)
StartLiāo 撩 vertical lifting (across both legs) (1:21)
StartChuāi 揣 - shoulder throw (#1 inside) (6:37)
StartChuāi 揣 - shoulder throw (#2 outside) (5:28)
StartDáo 捯 (arm drag) to Rù 入 (“through” or cross body hip throw) (2:34)
StartLǒu 摟 - front body lock throw (9:22)
StartDefense against front body lock (2:23)
StartKào 靠 - shouldering / leaning (4:10)
StartSpecial Shuai Jiao Throw - Kào Mó 靠磨 grind with head (0:57)
StartSpecial Shuai Jiao Throw - Guǎn 管 (3:00)
StartDefense when opponent grabs both hands (8:22)
StartLeg seizing - Jiǎn 撿 (6:55)
StartOther hand skills (3:56)
StartTī 踢 sweep / foot sweep (10:13)
StartMǒ Bó Tī 抹脖踢 neck mopping kick (6:41)
StartSuǒ Zhǒu Tī 鎖肘踢 elbow locking kick (8:40)
StartCuō 撮 leg pick up (3:23)
StartYǎo 咬 shin bite (2:15)
StartGuì Fān Dào Shù 跪翻倒樹 kneel to overturn the tree (2:06)
StartLāo 撈 picking up/scooping with hand (2:10)
StartMore Detail - Lāo 撈 (3:19)
StartInside side gate 內側門 and "tricks" (1:59)
StartStepping to inside side gate (detail) (1:02)
StartBà 耙 raking against heel (3:15)
StartBà 耙 raking against heel (details) (2:25)
StartBà Ná 耙拿 ankle pick (2:04)
StartSweep to set up Bà Ná 耙拿 (2:29)
StartDé Hé 得合 inner hooking (2:02)
StartGuì Dé Hé 跪得合 kneeling inner hooking (1:53)
StartBāi 掰 break with both hands, spin (8:45)
StartMethods of rear neck surrounding (face lock) (2:30)
StartDefense against rear neck surrounding (7:45)
StartBá 拔 pull out, pluck (back of collar) #1 (3:25)
StartBá 拔 pull out, pluck (back of collar) #2 (0:32)
StartZhuāi 拽 pull down using both collar and arm (2:21)
StartBēng 崩 - cracking (7:02)
StartFoundations for push hands and Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (11:21)
StartPushing and uprooting (5:27)
StartLearning to receive force 棚勁 (13:52)
StartAnother look at pushing and driving (4:21)
StartChǎn 產 yielding part one (4:56)
StartChǎn 產 yielding part two (3:57)
StartChǎn 產 Yielding part three (3:17)
StartChǎn 產 yielding part four 照鏡手 捯 鎖肘 (5:04)
StartShuai Jiao pushing hands (4:22)
StartUpper Four Shields 四高盾 (reacting to impact) (7:34)
StartXiān 掀 reach over shoulder to grab belt (4:47)
StartBào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown (8:54)
StartBào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown #2 and Dǎng 擋 high crotch single leg (5:54)
StartBào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown - finish with "run the pipe" (1:25)
StartKuí 魁 use the head to throw (2:41)
StartBēng 崩 - cracking (7:02)
StartFǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock (cross side) (4:03)
StartFǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock (same side) (3:44)
StartDà Chán Shǒu 大纏手 large wrist wrap lock (2:29)
StartXiǎo Chán Shǒu 小纏手 small wrist wrap lock (1:59)
StartSān Cì Bài Fú 三次拜佛 3 times pray to Buddha (4:52)
StartBà Wáng Qǐng Kè 霸王請客 Tyrant invites to dinner (2:41)
StartYā Zhǒu 壓肘 press the elbow (4:54)
StartZuǒ Yòu Jiāo Zhǒu 左右交肘 cross the arms at elbows (7:19)
StartSix Gates Theory 六門論 - part one (11:42)
StartSix Gates Theory 六門論 - part two (6:17)
StartSix Gates Theory 六門論 - part three (7:25)
StartSix Gates Theory 六門論 - part four (10:32)
StartBONUS: Shield or Intercept (against circular strikes) (3:47)
StartKicking - Ti 踢 (5:28)
StartFront kicks with thrust (穿腿) or (穿心腿) (11:53)
StartTraditional twisting stance front kick (扭馬穿心腿) (4:05)
StartSide Kick (側腿) (4:36)
StartCross kick or crushing kick (窒腿) (2:12)
StartUsing Seven-Star footwork with kicking (2:33)
StartKick catches (接腿) (0:42)
StartChopping leg (劈腿) (0:50)
StartIntercept (截) (1:44)
StartIntroduction to San Da Shuai Fa (9:47)
StartIntroduction to San Da Shuai Fa - securing the clinch (6:26)
StartSecure the clinch (another look) (12:09)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 - part one (6:11)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 - part three (10:38)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 - another look (3:59)
StartStep to outside side gate against striking (2:29)
StartInside side gate 內側門 (3:39)
StartInside side gate 內側門 - part one (13:04)
StartInside side gate 內側門 - part two (11:37)
StartStep to inside side gate against striking (4:43)
StartPunches to set up takedowns (6:06)
StartJiǎn 撿 (2:50)
StartJiǎn 撿 leg seizing - another look (1:37)
StartZhuàng 撞 / Guǎn 管 / Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
StartGuǎn 管 (3:34)
StartGuǎn 管 #2 / Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:52)
StartNeck Surrounding - Jiā Bó 夾脖 (3:07)
StartKicking for free fighting (3:57)
StartKicking to set up takedowns (3:12)
Start“White Crane Splashes Water” 白鶴濺水 (1:05)
Start"Crossing the bridge" 橋 (2:07)
StartPivot step - Shū Bù 樞步 (7:31)
StartHead movement 閃頭 - duck and attack legs (6:00)
StartHead movement 閃頭 - slip against straight punching (6:59)
StartShuǎi 甩 “dump” - whizzer against single leg takedown (1:32)
StartCuō 搓 rub - hooking cross face against single leg (1:45)
StartFǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 - reverse neck surrounding against single leg (2:15)
StartTemplate for upper body grappling (1:24)
StartSpinning 擰 (5:58)
StartChā 杈 pitchfork (1:48)
StartSteal step 偷步 (3:11)
StartDào 倒 outside hip throw (4:37)
StartThe fist formation (1:33)
StartLiù Lì (六力) six forces and Bā Jìn (八勁) Eight Powers (2:00)
StartTraditional format training is for concepts and body method (11:09)
StartSide stance (横弓步) and “wheeling body” (車輪身) (15:59)
StartStraight punch 穿搥 with concepts (6:26)
StartBack fist 鞭搥 (3:35)
StartAPPLICATION: Back fist (鞭搥) into straight punch (穿搥) combination (1:27)
StartHanging fist (掛搥) into overhand strike (扱搥) (11:32)
StartMeridian Stepping 子午步法 and continuous strike step 連環打步 (8:44)
StartBONUS CLIP: Lihn Waan Paau Choih (連環抛搥) (0:58)
StartGwa Choih 掛搥, Deng Jeung 釘掌, So Choih 掃搥, Jong Choih 沖搥 (8:11)
StartCross to body (插搥) Chā Chuí (1:43)
Start"Haut" aka Teut 脫 (7:12)
StartShí Bā Mó Qiáo 十八摩橋 Double Hand Push (4:10)
StartYǐn 引 - arm guiding (2:12)
Start"Knock down the doors" (various options) (3:24)
StartLifting - Tuō 托 (1:26)
StartSmall trapping strike (小扣打) Xiǎo Kòu Dǎ (5:55)
StartSeven-star (angle) stepping (七星步法). (10:24)
StartSide stance straight punch (穿搥), kicking stance hanging fist (掛搥) (7:44)
StartIntroduction to ground fighting (5:55)
StartIntroduction to basic principles of ground fighting (3:21)
StartDefense against a standing attacker #1 (4:11)
StartDefense against a standing attacker #2 (2:11)
StartDefense against a standing attacker #3 (4:41)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 (4:45)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 part two (6:55)
StartEscape from side across position #1 (14:56)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 - knee on body (3:22)
StartEscape from knee on body (6:49)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 - side across position (7:26)
StartEscape from side across position #2 (5:14)
StartEscape from turtle position (sit out) (5:53)
StartReview / overview of escapes from bottom positions (15:26)
StartClosed guard position (12:02)
StartTop ride from defense against knee on body (3:14)
StartOpen guard positions and sweeps (18:17)
StartGet back to your feet (the get up) (9:41)
StartEscape from mount position #1 (4:28)
StartSweep from closed guard (7:04)