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Intro to Shuai Jiao for Free Fighting
Preparatory exercises for Shuai Jiao - Jīn Gāng Liàn Gōng 金剛練功
Tyrant lifts the Incense Pot 霸王舉鼎 (9:55)
Bend Forward to View the Sea 舍身探海 (4:13)
Attribute training - preparation for pressure and impact
Dào Fǎ 倒法 part one - the intersection of break fall and ground work (8:47)
Dào Fǎ 倒法 part two - simple drill to learn to fall properly (2:26)
Technique - get up from floor 起立 (2:14)
Learning to receive force 棚勁 (13:52)
Pushing and driving (4:21)
Chǎn 產 - yielding (3:17)
Shuai Jiao push hands (4:22)
Foundation Training
Side Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 (5:55)
Seven-star angle stepping 七星步法 (2:50)
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa - Shuai Jiao for free fighting
Qìn 撳 pulling down (7:52)
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa (9:47)
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa part two - securing the clinch (6:26)
Securing the clinch (another look) (12:09)
Throws - outside side gate part one (6:11)
Throws - outside side gate part two (3:12)
Outside side gate 外側門 - another look (3:59)
Throws - inside side gate (13:04)
Inside side gate 內側門 - another look (3:39)
San Da Shuai Fa bridging part one (11:14)
San Da Shuai Fa bridging part two (7:19)
Head movement 閃頭 - duck and attack legs (6:00)
Punches to set up takedowns (6:06)
Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing (1:37)
Zhuàng 撞 / Guǎn 管 / Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
Kicking to set up takedowns (3:12)
Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown - finish with "run the pipe" (1:25)
Seven-star angle stepping 七星步法
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