After more than 45 years training and 30 years teaching, Sifu David Ross presents the most detailed overview of his method yet. Learn the stance, footwork, striking, kicking, defense, Chin-Na, Shuai Jiao, reverse Chin-Na and reverse Shuai Jiao. All the concepts including combat theory are explained in detail, and all the techniques are presented with their original names in traditional Chinese characters.
Your Instructor
Author, educator, combat sports coach and martial arts master; David A Ross has helped the public better understand real martial arts An adopted disciple of the late master Chan Tai-San, one of China’s national treasures, David has over three decades teaching and coaching experience, both champion fighters and regular people who just want to achieve their goals.
Course Curriculum
StartLion’s Roar Opening Movements (1:37)
StartStanding Posture Training 站樁功 (0:52)
StartStanding Posture Training 站樁功 - postures standing on one leg 獨立馬 (0:40)
StartSide Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 - quick view (0:50)
StartTraditional format training is for concepts and body method (11:10)
StartSide Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 - introduction (5:55)
StartSide Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 (4:13)
StartSide Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 (15:59)
StartJīn Gāng Liàn Gōng 金剛練功 - Tyrant lifts the Incense Pot 霸王舉鼎 (9:55)
StartJīn Gāng Liàn Gōng 金剛練功 - Bend Forward to View the Sea 舍身探海 (4:13)
StartOther methods of learning to receive force 棚勁 (5:27)
StartOther methods of learning to receive force 棚勁 (13:52)
StartOther methods of learning to receive force 棚勁 - example from actual class (6:21)
StartReacting to impact - upper four shields 四高盾 (7:34)
StartUnderstanding the interface between break falls and ground work (8:47)
StartIntroduction to Dào Fǎ 倒法 (2:26)
StartDào Fǎ 倒法 - forward shoulder roll 定步前滾翻倒法 (3:28)
StartDào Fǎ 倒法 - side fall 左右側倒法 (0:44)
StartDào Fǎ 倒法 - back fall 後倒法 (1:03)
StartGet up from floor 起立 (2:14)
StartHow to make a fist (1:33)
StartTarget Selection
StartTraditional format training is for concepts and body method (11:10)
StartSide Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - introduction (3:09)
StartSide Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - overview (2:11)
StartSide Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - straight punch 穿搥 (6:26)
StartSide Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - back fist 鞭搥 (3:35)
StartSide Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - back fist 鞭搥 into straight punch 穿搥 (1:27)
StartSide Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - hanging fist 掛搥 into overhand strike 扱搥 (11:32)
StartFighting Stance 警戒式 (4:33)
StartFighting Stance Basic Practice 警戒式基本打法 (6:21)
StartFighting Stance Technique 警戒式打法 - cross to body (插搥) Chā Chuí (1:43)
StartFighting Stance Technique 警戒式打法 - small trapping strike (小扣打) Xiǎo Kòu Dǎ (5:55)
StartIntroduction to elbow strikes 肘 (5:53)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - traditional twisting stance front kick (扭馬穿心腿) (4:05)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - modern left front kick (左穿腿) and right front kick (右穿腿) (11:53)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - modern left front kick (左穿腿) and right front kick (右穿腿) #2 (2:30)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - circling drill using kicking stance (archive) (3:32)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - intercept 截 (1:44)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - Shovel kick (鏟腿) #1 (1:10)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - Shovel kick (鏟腿) #2 (1:00)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - Cross kick or crushing kick (窒腿) #1 (3:38)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - Cross kick or crushing kick (窒腿) #2 (3:27)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - Side Kick (側腿) #1 (7:00)
StartStraight kicks 穿 - Side Kick (側腿) #2 (4:36)
StartChopping kicks 劈 - chopping leg (劈腿) (archive) (2:41)
StartChopping kicks 劈 - chopping leg (劈腿) #2 (0:50)
StartSwinging kicks 擺 - outside crescent kick (擺蓮腿) (3:09)
StartSwinging kicks 擺 - round kick (圈腿) #1 (2:02)
StartSwinging kicks 擺 - round kick (圈腿) #2 (5:28)
StartSwinging kicks 擺 - round kick (圈腿) #3 (1:52)
StartSwinging kicks 擺 - door closing kick (閉門腿) (0:19)
StartTurning kicks 轉 - back kick (虎尾腿) (2:18)
StartTurning kicks 轉 - spinning back hook kick (龍尾腿) (0:33)
StartUsing Seven-Star footwork with kicking #1 (1:59)
StartUsing Seven-Star footwork with kicking #2 (2:33)
StartCombination kicking (2:11)
StartKnee strikes 膝 (1:36)
StartKnee strikes 膝 #2 (4:52)
StartKnee strikes 膝 #3 (3:32)
StartBox Stepping 口字步法 -overview (2:11)
StartBox Stepping 口字步法 - overview with hand technique (1:06)
StartBox Stepping 口字步法 - chopping strike (劈搥), forward stance crashing strike (撞搥) (0:44)
StartBox Stepping 口字步法 - straight punch (穿搥), kicking stance hanging fist (掛搥) (7:44)
StartBox Stepping 口字步法 - step into cross step or “twisted horse” (扭馬) (1:11)
StartBox Stepping 口字步法 - “Guà Dīng Sǎo Zhuàng” 掛搥 釘掌 掃搥 撞搥 (0:36)
Start“Guà Dīng Sǎo Zhuàng” 掛搥 釘掌 掃搥 撞搥 (8:11)
StartThree Point Stepping 三點步法 (5:45)
StartEight Direction Stepping 八卦步法 (3:26)
StartMeridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - continuous strike step (連環打步) Lián Huán Dǎ Bù (8:44)
StartMeridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - stealing step (偷步), step out (0:15)
StartMeridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - Stealing step (偷步), turn body (轉身) (0:15)
StartMeridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - Cross step or “twisted horse” forward walking (扭馬) (0:25)
StartMeridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - unicorn step 麒麟步 Qí Lín Bù (0:28)
StartMeridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - unicorn step 麒麟步 Qí Lín Bù application (1:53)
StartCross-Pattern Stepping 十字步法 -pivot step 樞步 Shū Bù quick view (0:24)
StartCross-Pattern Stepping 十字步法 -pivot step 樞步 Shū Bù (7:31)
StartCross-Pattern Stepping 十字步法 - partner footwork drills (archive) (8:59)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 - quick view (0:57)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 - introduction (1:45)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 (10:24)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 #2 (10:17)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 for San Da (free fighting) (14:41)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 - using seven-star footwork with kicking #1 (1:59)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 - using seven-star footwork with kicking #2 (2:33)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 for Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (2:50)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 for Shuai Jiao (wrestling) #2 (6:12)
StartSprawl 伏虎功 #1 (archive) (0:36)
StartSprawl 伏虎功 #2 (3:42)
StartSprawl 伏虎功 #3 (1:41)
StartSense of Distance 距澸 (8:59)
StartOther Footwork Patterns - Half hop step (騰挪) Téng Nuó (0:45)
StartOther Footwork Patterns - Cover step (蓋步) Gài Bù (0:54)
StartWalking Kicks 前進踢腿
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - "knock down the doors" (3:24)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - "open the doors" (0:44)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - progressive bridging (1:52)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - cross pattern butterfly hands (7:03)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - shield or insert (截) or wrap (抄) vs. hook or overhand (2:14)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - head movement (閃頭) #1 (6:00)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - head movement (閃頭) #2 (2:00)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - punches to set up takedowns (0:52)
StartBridging “Qiáo” 橋 - kicks to set up takedowns (3:12)
StartStepping to side gate (0:59)
StartGate Theory 門論 for Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (1:59)
StartGate Theory 門論 for San Da (free fighting) (1:37)
StartGate Theory 門論 for San Da (free fighting) #2 (1:41)
StartGate Theory 門論 - Six Gates Theory 六門論 (0:51)
StartGate Theory 門論 - Six Gates Theory 六門論 (1:03)
StartShielding 盾 - upper shield 高盾 and intercept block 截 (outside intercept 外截) (5:19)
StartShielding 盾 - BONUS intercept block (against circular strikes) (3:47)
StartShielding 盾 - wrap or over-hook 抄 (2:41)
StartShielding 盾 - wrap or over-hook 抄 #2 (2:14)
StartShielding 盾 - wrap or over-hook 抄 #3 (0:20)
StartShielding 盾 - review (1:43)
StartShielding 盾 - body shield 中盾 (4:20)
StartShielding 盾 - body shield 中盾 #2 (6:02)
StartDrills work! (0:58)
StartShielding 盾 - drill #1 upper four shields 高四盾 (9:05)
StartShielding 盾 - drill #2 upper four shields with “touch” (1:38)
StartParrying (Redirecting) - The hand parry 拍手 (3:35)
StartParrying (Redirecting) - intercept 截 (inside intercept 內截) (0:38)
StartParrying (Redirecting) - intercept 截 (inside intercept 內截) #2 (0:57)
StartParrying (Redirecting) - “catching hand” 刁手 (with gloves) (0:17)
StartParrying (Redirecting) - Extended Hand 橋手 (turned hand 返手) (3:29)
StartParrying (Redirecting) - low parry (車手) (1:23)
StartEvasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) - level change / duck against a hook (蹲) (1:14)
StartEvasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) - level change / duck against a hook (蹲) #2 (0:28)
StartEvasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) - weave (2:38)
StartEvasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) -“slipping” or side to side head movement (9:19)
StartEvasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) -“slipping” and counter punching (2:47)
StartReview of defense including head movement (閃頭) (1:25)
StartEvasion 閃 - advanced head movement (閃頭) (1:48)
StartEvasion 閃 - evasive footwork 閃步法 Shǎn Bù Fǎ (5:32)
StartKick catches 接腿 - switching from over-hook to underhook (0:42)
StartBǎ 把 - gripping (5:01)
StartBǎ 把 - gripping (part two) (1:22)
StartBǎ 把 - gripping (part three) (1:42)
StartBǎ 把 - gripping (part four) (3:52)
StartBǎ 把 - gripping (part five) (7:52)
StartZhuā 抓 gripping the body without the jacket (0:24)
StartNá 拿 hand and arm controlling methods (1:40)
StartFǎn 反 anti, counter, turn over (4:20)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joints - Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock same side (3:44)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joints - Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock same side #2 (4:34)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joints - Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock cross side (4:03)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Dà Chán Shǒu 大纏手 large wrist wrap lock (2:29)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Xiǎo Chán Shǒu 小纏手 small wrist wrap lock (1:59)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Sān Cì Bài Fú 三次拜佛 3 times pray to Buddha (4:52)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Pán Zhuó 盤斫 pin hand and elbow cutting
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Jiān Tiāo Biǎn Dan 肩挑扁擔 arm on shoulder lever (3:02)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Bēng 崩 “cracking” elbow lock (7:02)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Yā Zhǒu 壓肘 press the elbow / standing arm bar (4:54)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Bà Wáng Qǐng Kè 霸王請客 (2:41)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Pán Suǒ (盤鎖) wrap or circle the elbow to lock (0:29)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Pán Bié 盤别 reverse elbow wrap lock
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Zuǒ Yòu Jiāo Zhǒu 左右交肘 cross the arms at elbows (2:13)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Bào Zhǒu 抱肘 folding elbow strike to attack the arm (1:16)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Dān Zhǐ Wò 單指握 single finger hold (0:51)
StartLǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Shǒu Wò Dà Liáng 手握大樑 figure 4 arm lock (facing)
StartTuō 托 lifting (1:26)
StartJiàn Zhǐ 箭指 arrow finger escape (1:14)
StartFēn Shǒu 分手 Separating hands - part one (6:10)
StartFēn Shǒu 分手 Separating hands - part two (3:46)
StartFēn Shǒu 分手 Separating hands - part three (3:58)
StartYǐn 引 arm guiding (“pass”) (2:00)
StartYǐn 引 arm guiding (“pass”) #2 (2:12)
StartYǐn 引 arm guiding (“pass”) #3 (0:29)
StartYē 掖 “crossing” pin hand / arm to their body (5:37)
StartDáo 捯 Arm drag (wind rope) (1:35)
StartDáo 捯 Arm drag (wind rope) more details (2:52)
StartLán 拦 bar, block (0:42)
StartBāi 掰 break with both hands, spin (8:45)
StartBá 拔 Pull out collar from rear and pull down #1 (3:25)
StartBá 拔 Pull out collar from rear and pull down #2 (0:32)
StartZhuāi 拽 pull down using collar and arm (2:21)
StartJǐ 擠 press, shove (5:00)
StartQìn 撳 pulling down - part one (5:15)
StartQìn 撳 pulling down - part two (2:03)
StartQìn 撳 pulling down - part three (7:52)
StartTūn Tǔ 吞吐 to “swallow and spit”, pull and push (0:54)
StartTūn Tǔ 吞吐 to “swallow and spit”, pull and push with jackets (6:24)
StartDiào Luó 釣落 diagonal pulling (5:42)
StartZhuàng Xiōng Qián 撞胸前 chest pummeling (1:09)
StartZhuàng Xiōng Qián 撞胸前 chest pummeling #2 (1:40)
StartQuān 圈 under-hook (1:05)
StartKào 靠 shoulder striking or leaning (1:42)
StartKào 靠 shoulder striking or leaning #2 (1:44)
StartTún 臀 hip striking (1:19)
StartZhào Jìng Shǒu 照鏡手 mirror hand (3:19)
StartXié Dǎ 斜打 diagonal striking (5:56)
StartSuǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking - one (6:59)
StartSuǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking - two (7:27)
StartJiā Bó 夾脖 neck surrounding (1:30)
StartHòu Jiā Bó 後夾脖 #1 (6:23)
StartHòu Jiā Bó 後夾脖 #2 (2:05)
StartBàn Jiā Bó 半夾脖 half neck surrounding (arm inside side strangle) (0:22)
StartFǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 reverse neck surrounding (headlock / guillotine) (3:33)
StartFǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 reverse neck surrounding (headlock / guillotine) - against leg attack (2:15)
StartDiǎn Xué 點穴 or Diǎn Mài 點脈 (archive / teaser) (0:15)
StartCǎi 採 plucking (2:49)
StartSī 撕 tearing or dragging (2:04)
StartSī 撕 tearing or dragging #2 (6:19)
StartChē Lún Shēn 車輪身 Wheeling Body (3:42)
StartChē Lún Shēn 車輪身 Wheeling Body #2 (5:40)
StartMǒ Méi 抹眉 eyebrow mopping (1:32)
StartMǒ Méi 抹眉 eyebrow mopping (0:41)
StartMǒ Bó 抹脖 neck mopping (6:42)
StartKāi 開 Crowbar into steering wheel (雙猴手擰) (1:58)
StartFēng 封 Wedge / throat locking (2:26)
StartChēng 撑 reach in between arms against two hand grips (2:58)
StartSuǒ Shǒu 索手 twisting hands (4:09)
StartShí Bā Mó Qiáo 十八摩橋 Double Hand Push (4:10)
StartNíng 擰 Spinning (to twist, to unscrew) - quick view (0:47)
StartNíng 擰 Spinning (to twist, to unscrew) (5:58)
StartCuō 搓 rub (face locks) - against leg attack (1:45)
StartCuō 搓 rub (face locks) - rear face lock (2:30)
StartJié 截 “cutting” with forearm/elbow (1:53)
StartNián 黏 sticking - quick view (0:26)
StartTuō 脫 Cast Off, Escape by Scraping - one (1:58)
StartTuō 脫 Cast Off, Escape by Scraping - two (1:21)
StartTuō 脫 Cast Off, Escape by Scraping - three (7:12)
StartKuí 魁 manipulate or throw by the head (2:41)
StartFoundations for push hands and Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (11:21)
StartBasic concepts for wrestling and throwing (1:21)
StartTuī 推 Pushing - one (5:27)
StartTuī 推 Pushing - two (4:21)
StartChǎn 產 Yielding - one (3:03)
StartChǎn 產 Yielding - two (5:37)
StartChǎn 產 Yielding - three (3:17)
StartChǎn 產 Yielding - four (4:56)
StartChǎn 產 Yielding - five (5:04)
StartShuai Jiao push hands 推手 (4:22)
StartTūn Tǔ 吞吐 to swallow and spit pull and push (6:24)
StartSeven-star stepping 七星步 (6:12)
StartIntroduction to hand throws (1:20)
StartKòu 扣 Press / Knee seizing (5:34)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 Kòu 扣 knee seizing (2:49)
StartShǒu Bié 手别 hand blocking (1:21)
StartShǒu Bié 手别 hand blocking continued (1:10)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 Shǒu Bié 手别 hand blocking (2:14)
StartMeridian Stepping 子午步法 vs Seven-star stepping 七星步 (1:32)
StartTāo 掏 inside knee seizing (1:32)
StartJiǎn 撿 leg seizing (6:55)
StartCuō 撮 leg pick up (3:23)
StartBà 耙 raking against heel - one (3:15)
StartBà 耙 raking against heel - two (2:25)
StartInside side gate 內側門 – Bà 耙 raking against heel (2:11)
StartBà Ná 耙拿 ankle pick (2:04)
StartInside side gate 內側門 - Bà Ná 耙拿 ankle pick (1:33)
StartSweep to set up Bà Ná 耙拿 (2:29)
StartSweep to set up Bà Ná 耙拿 #2 (1:17)
StartBà Qiā 耙掐 hook and press down on leg (0:49)
StartYǎo 咬 shin bite (2:15)
StartGuì Fān Dào Shù 跪翻倒樹 kneel to overturn the tree (2:06)
StartQiè 切 cutting or reaping (7:33)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 Qiè 切 cutting or reaping (4:24)
StartFēng Qiè 封切 sweep with throat locking (0:20)
StartCombination throw: Qiè 切 cutting or reaping into Kòu 扣 Press / Knee seizing (0:59)
StartCombination throw: Qiè 切 cutting or reaping into Bà 耙 raking against heel (1:30)
StartWèn 搵 hip throw #1 (6:30)
StartWèn 搵 hip throw #2 (6:31)
StartExtra detail on hip throw (1:33)
StartDáo 捯 Arm drag to Rù 入 “through” or cross body hip throw (2:34)
StartDào 倒 - “outside hip throw” (4:37)
StartBié 別 leg block #1 (2:56)
StartBié 別 leg block #2 (3:27)
StartChuāi 揣 shoulder throw (inside) (6:37)
StartChuāi 揣 shoulder throw (outside) (5:28)
StartKuǎi 𢫑 “limp leg” (3:08)
StartTiào 跳 hooking up the middle of the legs (1:01)
StartLiāo 撩 backward kicking (1:21)
StartDé Hé 得合 inner hooking (2:02)
StartInside side gate 內側門 - Dé Hé 得合 inner hooking (2:09)
StartGuì Dé Hé 跪得合 (1:53)
StartInside side gate 內側門 - Huō 豁 Open (2:38)
StartLǒu 摟 body lock throw (9:22)
StartKào 靠 shouldering (4:10)
StartKào Mó 靠磨 lean and grind with the head (0:57)
StartOutside side gate 外側門 Bā 扒 double over-hooking of legs (1:33)
StartBā 扒 double over-hooking of legs (0:57)
StartExplanation of Zhuàng 撞, Guǎn 管, and Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (0:30)
StartZhuàng 撞, Guǎn 管, and Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
StartLuó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (0:30)
StartGuǎn 管 far arm scissoring (3:00)
StartTī 踢 sweep / foot sweep (10:13)
StartTàn 彈 springing foot sweep (0:38)
StartInside side gate 內側門 – Tàn 彈 Spring (2:13)
StartBào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs #1 (8:54)
StartBào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs #2 (3:06)
StartBào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs #3 (1:46)
StartBào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs - finish a single leg takedown (1:25)
StartDǎng 擋 high crotch single leg (2:48)
StartBào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown - finish with "run the pipe" (1:25)
StartLāo 撈 picking up/scooping with hand (5:30)
StartInside side gate 內側門 - Lāo 撈 picking up scooping with hand (2:53)
StartXiān掀 reach over shoulder to grab belt (4:47)
StartIntroduction to Xī 吸 counters to throws (3:02)
StartBody dropping Dì 墬 (0:44)
StartPushing Hōng 轟 #1 (0:50)
StartPushing Hōng 轟 #2 (0:41)
StartPressing Qìn 撳 (archive) (0:14)
StartHōng 轟and combined Bá 拔 (0:46)
StartEyebrow mopping Mǒ Méi 抹眉 (1:32)
StartEyebrow mopping Mǒ Méi 抹眉 #2 (1:32)
StartCounter with rolling forearm Gǔn Bǎng 滾膀 (archive) (0:17)
StartCounter throw by leg hook Gōu 勾 (1:21)
StartIntroduction to San Da Shuai Fa (9:47)
StartSixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Mǒ Bó 抹脖 neck mopping (quick view) (0:22)
StartSixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Mǒ Bó 抹脖 neck mopping (3:10)
StartSixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Suǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking #1 (0:33)
StartSixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Suǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking #2 (1:50)
StartSixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Xié Dǎ 斜打 diagonal striking (1:17)
StartSixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Jiā Bó 夾脖 neck surrounding (1:30)
StartThrowing techniques 摔法 applied against punching - Fēng Qiè 封切 sweep with throat locking (0:20)
StartThrowing techniques 摔法 applied against punching - Chuāi 揣 shoulder throw (0:35)
StartThrowing techniques 摔法 applied against punching - Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (0:20)
StartIntroduction to San Da Shuai Fa part two - securing the clinch (6:26)
StartSecuring the clinch (another look) (12:09)
StartThrows - outside side gate 外側門 part one (6:11)
StartThrows - outside side gate 外側門 part two (3:12)
StartThrows - outside side gate 外側門 part three (3:59)
StartThrows - inside side gate 內側門 part one (13:04)
StartThrows - inside side gate 內側門 part two (13:04)
StartHead movement 閃頭 to set up takedowns - duck and attack legs (6:00)
StartHead movement 閃頭 to set up takedowns - “slipping” and entry steps Jìn (進) (2:00)
StartHead movement 閃頭 to set up takedowns - “slipping” and entry steps Jìn (進) #2
StartIntroduction - punches to set up takedowns (2:36)
StartPunches to set up takedowns -Lǒng 攏 gather, front double knee seizing (1:36)
StartPunches to set up takedowns - Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown (1:46)
StartPunches to set up takedowns - Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing #1 (1:37)
StartPunches to set up takedowns - Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing #2 (2:04)
StartPunches to set up takedowns - Guǎn管 far arm scissoring (3:34)
StartZhuàng 撞, Guǎn 管, and Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
StartKicks to set up takedowns (3:12)
StartIntroduction to ground fighting (5:55)
StartIntroduction to basic principles of ground fighting (3:21)
StartLeg passing, pinning, “X pattern” stepping #1 (6:30)
StartLeg passing, pinning, “X pattern” stepping #2 (3:29)
StartThe intersection of break fall and ground work (8:47)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 - knee on body #1 (4:45)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 - knee on body #2 (3:22)
StartPinning Technique 抑制技術 part two (6:55)
StartGet up from floor 起立 (9:02)
StartDefending against a standing attacker - six (6) basic positions (8:39)