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The Correct Path 獅子吼正軌
General Theory 論
Liù Lì (六力) six forces and Bā Jìn (八勁) Eight Powers (2:00)
Liù Lì 六力 – six forces (21:52)
Bā Jìn 八勁 – Eight Powers
Body Method 身法 (Awareness, Mobility and Power Manifestation)
Lion’s Roar Opening Movements (1:37)
Standing Posture Training 站樁功 (0:52)
Standing Posture Training 站樁功 - postures standing on one leg 獨立馬 (0:40)
Side Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 - quick view (0:50)
Traditional format training is for concepts and body method (11:10)
Side Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 - introduction (5:55)
Side Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 (4:13)
Side Stance 横弓步 and Wheeling Body 車輪身 (15:59)
Physical Conditioning - Liàn Gōng, Pāi Dǎ Gōng, Dào Fǎ
Jīn Gāng Liàn Gōng 金剛練功 - Tyrant lifts the Incense Pot 霸王舉鼎 (9:55)
Jīn Gāng Liàn Gōng 金剛練功 - Bend Forward to View the Sea 舍身探海 (4:13)
Other methods of learning to receive force 棚勁 (5:27)
Other methods of learning to receive force 棚勁 (13:52)
Other methods of learning to receive force 棚勁 - example from actual class (6:21)
Reacting to impact - upper four shields 四高盾 (7:34)
Understanding the interface between break falls and ground work (8:47)
Introduction to Dào Fǎ 倒法 (2:26)
Dào Fǎ 倒法 - forward shoulder roll 定步前滾翻倒法 (3:28)
Dào Fǎ 倒法 - side fall 左右側倒法 (0:44)
Dào Fǎ 倒法 - back fall 後倒法 (1:03)
Get up from floor 起立 (2:14)
Technique 技術 - Stationary Stance 靜止式
Upright standing 立正式 (0:44)
Fighting stance 警戒式 (4:33)
Technique 技術 - Striking 打
How to make a fist (1:33)
Target Selection
Traditional format training is for concepts and body method (11:10)
Side Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - introduction (3:09)
Side Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - overview (2:11)
Side Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - straight punch 穿搥 (6:26)
Side Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - back fist 鞭搥 (3:35)
Side Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - back fist 鞭搥 into straight punch 穿搥 (1:27)
Side Stance Basic Practice 横弓步基本打法 - hanging fist 掛搥 into overhand strike 扱搥 (11:32)
Fighting Stance 警戒式 (4:33)
Fighting Stance Basic Practice 警戒式基本打法 (6:21)
Fighting Stance Technique 警戒式打法 - cross to body (插搥) Chā Chuí (1:43)
Fighting Stance Technique 警戒式打法 - small trapping strike (小扣打) Xiǎo Kòu Dǎ (5:55)
Introduction to elbow strikes 肘 (5:53)
Technique 技術 - Kicking 踢
Straight kicks 穿 - traditional twisting stance front kick (扭馬穿心腿) (4:05)
Straight kicks 穿 - modern left front kick (左穿腿) and right front kick (右穿腿) (11:53)
Straight kicks 穿 - modern left front kick (左穿腿) and right front kick (右穿腿) #2 (2:30)
Straight kicks 穿 - circling drill using kicking stance (archive) (3:32)
Straight kicks 穿 - intercept 截 (1:44)
Straight kicks 穿 - Shovel kick (鏟腿) #1 (1:10)
Straight kicks 穿 - Shovel kick (鏟腿) #2 (1:00)
Straight kicks 穿 - Cross kick or crushing kick (窒腿) #1 (3:38)
Straight kicks 穿 - Cross kick or crushing kick (窒腿) #2 (3:27)
Straight kicks 穿 - Side Kick (側腿) #1 (7:00)
Straight kicks 穿 - Side Kick (側腿) #2 (4:36)
Chopping kicks 劈 - chopping leg (劈腿) (archive) (2:41)
Chopping kicks 劈 - chopping leg (劈腿) #2 (0:50)
Swinging kicks 擺 - outside crescent kick (擺蓮腿) (3:09)
Swinging kicks 擺 - round kick (圈腿) #1 (2:02)
Swinging kicks 擺 - round kick (圈腿) #2 (5:28)
Swinging kicks 擺 - round kick (圈腿) #3 (1:52)
Swinging kicks 擺 - door closing kick (閉門腿) (0:19)
Turning kicks 轉 - back kick (虎尾腿) (2:18)
Turning kicks 轉 - spinning back hook kick (龍尾腿) (0:33)
Using Seven-Star footwork with kicking #1 (1:59)
Using Seven-Star footwork with kicking #2 (2:33)
Combination kicking (2:11)
Knee strikes 膝 (1:36)
Knee strikes 膝 #2 (4:52)
Knee strikes 膝 #3 (3:32)
Technique 技術 - Footwork 步法
Box Stepping 口字步法 -overview (2:11)
Box Stepping 口字步法 - overview with hand technique (1:06)
Box Stepping 口字步法 - chopping strike (劈搥), forward stance crashing strike (撞搥) (0:44)
Box Stepping 口字步法 - straight punch (穿搥), kicking stance hanging fist (掛搥) (7:44)
Box Stepping 口字步法 - step into cross step or “twisted horse” (扭馬) (1:11)
Box Stepping 口字步法 - “Guà Dīng Sǎo Zhuàng” 掛搥 釘掌 掃搥 撞搥 (0:36)
“Guà Dīng Sǎo Zhuàng” 掛搥 釘掌 掃搥 撞搥 (8:11)
Three Point Stepping 三點步法 (5:45)
Eight Direction Stepping 八卦步法 (3:26)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - continuous strike step (連環打步) Lián Huán Dǎ Bù (8:44)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - stealing step (偷步), step out (0:15)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - Stealing step (偷步), turn body (轉身) (0:15)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - Cross step or “twisted horse” forward walking (扭馬) (0:25)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - unicorn step 麒麟步 Qí Lín Bù (0:28)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - unicorn step 麒麟步 Qí Lín Bù application (1:53)
Cross-Pattern Stepping 十字步法 -pivot step 樞步 Shū Bù quick view (0:24)
Cross-Pattern Stepping 十字步法 -pivot step 樞步 Shū Bù (7:31)
Cross-Pattern Stepping 十字步法 - partner footwork drills (archive) (8:59)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 - quick view (0:57)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 - introduction (1:45)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 (10:24)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 #2 (10:17)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 for San Da (free fighting) (14:41)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 - using seven-star footwork with kicking #1 (1:59)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 - using seven-star footwork with kicking #2 (2:33)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 for Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (2:50)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 for Shuai Jiao (wrestling) #2 (6:12)
Sprawl 伏虎功 #1 (archive) (0:36)
Sprawl 伏虎功 #2 (3:42)
Sprawl 伏虎功 #3 (1:41)
Sense of Distance 距澸 (8:59)
Other Footwork Patterns - Half hop step (騰挪) Téng Nuó (0:45)
Other Footwork Patterns - Cover step (蓋步) Gài Bù (0:54)
Walking Kicks 前進踢腿
Combat Theory 格鬥實戰論
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - "knock down the doors" (3:24)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - "open the doors" (0:44)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - progressive bridging (1:52)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - cross pattern butterfly hands (7:03)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - shield or insert (截) or wrap (抄) vs. hook or overhand (2:14)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - head movement (閃頭) #1 (6:00)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - head movement (閃頭) #2 (2:00)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - punches to set up takedowns (0:52)
Bridging “Qiáo” 橋 - kicks to set up takedowns (3:12)
Stepping to side gate (0:59)
Gate Theory 門論 for Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (1:59)
Gate Theory 門論 for San Da (free fighting) (1:37)
Gate Theory 門論 for San Da (free fighting) #2 (1:41)
Gate Theory 門論 - Six Gates Theory 六門論 (0:51)
Technique 技術 - Defense 防禦法
Gate Theory 門論 - Six Gates Theory 六門論 (1:03)
Shielding 盾 - upper shield 高盾 and intercept block 截 (outside intercept 外截) (5:19)
Shielding 盾 - BONUS intercept block (against circular strikes) (3:47)
Shielding 盾 - wrap or over-hook 抄 (2:41)
Shielding 盾 - wrap or over-hook 抄 #2 (2:14)
Shielding 盾 - wrap or over-hook 抄 #3 (0:20)
Shielding 盾 - review (1:43)
Shielding 盾 - body shield 中盾 (4:20)
Shielding 盾 - body shield 中盾 #2 (6:02)
Drills work! (0:58)
Shielding 盾 - drill #1 upper four shields 高四盾 (9:05)
Shielding 盾 - drill #2 upper four shields with “touch” (1:38)
Parrying (Redirecting) - The hand parry 拍手 (3:35)
Parrying (Redirecting) - intercept 截 (inside intercept 內截) (0:38)
Parrying (Redirecting) - intercept 截 (inside intercept 內截) #2 (0:57)
Parrying (Redirecting) - “catching hand” 刁手 (with gloves) (0:17)
Parrying (Redirecting) - Extended Hand 橋手 (turned hand 返手) (3:29)
Parrying (Redirecting) - low parry (車手) (1:23)
Evasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) - level change / duck against a hook (蹲) (1:14)
Evasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) - level change / duck against a hook (蹲) #2 (0:28)
Evasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) - weave (2:38)
Evasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) -“slipping” or side to side head movement (9:19)
Evasion 閃 - head movement (閃頭) -“slipping” and counter punching (2:47)
Review of defense including head movement (閃頭) (1:25)
Evasion 閃 - advanced head movement (閃頭) (1:48)
Evasion 閃 - evasive footwork 閃步法 Shǎn Bù Fǎ (5:32)
Kick catches 接腿 - switching from over-hook to underhook (0:42)
Standing Grappling 擒拿 - Sixty-Four Techniques 六十四技術
Bǎ 把 - gripping (5:01)
Bǎ 把 - gripping (part two) (1:22)
Bǎ 把 - gripping (part three) (1:42)
Bǎ 把 - gripping (part four) (3:52)
Bǎ 把 - gripping (part five) (7:52)
Zhuā 抓 gripping the body without the jacket (0:24)
Ná 拿 hand and arm controlling methods (1:40)
Fǎn 反 anti, counter, turn over (4:20)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joints - Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock same side (3:44)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joints - Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock same side #2 (4:34)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joints - Fǎn Yā Wàn 反壓腕 butterfly wrist lock cross side (4:03)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Dà Chán Shǒu 大纏手 large wrist wrap lock (2:29)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Xiǎo Chán Shǒu 小纏手 small wrist wrap lock (1:59)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Sān Cì Bài Fú 三次拜佛 3 times pray to Buddha (4:52)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Pán Zhuó 盤斫 pin hand and elbow cutting
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Jiān Tiāo Biǎn Dan 肩挑扁擔 arm on shoulder lever (3:02)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Bēng 崩 “cracking” elbow lock (7:02)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Yā Zhǒu 壓肘 press the elbow / standing arm bar (4:54)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Bà Wáng Qǐng Kè 霸王請客 (2:41)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Pán Suǒ (盤鎖) wrap or circle the elbow to lock (0:29)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Pán Bié 盤别 reverse elbow wrap lock
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Zuǒ Yòu Jiāo Zhǒu 左右交肘 cross the arms at elbows (2:13)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Bào Zhǒu 抱肘 folding elbow strike to attack the arm (1:16)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Dān Zhǐ Wò 單指握 single finger hold (0:51)
Lǔ 掳 to catch or capture, attacking the joint - Shǒu Wò Dà Liáng 手握大樑 figure 4 arm lock (facing)
Tuō 托 lifting (1:26)
Jiàn Zhǐ 箭指 arrow finger escape (1:14)
Fēn Shǒu 分手 Separating hands - part one (6:10)
Fēn Shǒu 分手 Separating hands - part two (3:46)
Fēn Shǒu 分手 Separating hands - part three (3:58)
Yǐn 引 arm guiding (“pass”) (2:00)
Yǐn 引 arm guiding (“pass”) #2 (2:12)
Yǐn 引 arm guiding (“pass”) #3 (0:29)
Yē 掖 “crossing” pin hand / arm to their body (5:37)
Dáo 捯 Arm drag (wind rope) (1:35)
Dáo 捯 Arm drag (wind rope) more details (2:52)
Lán 拦 bar, block (0:42)
Bāi 掰 break with both hands, spin (8:45)
Bá 拔 Pull out collar from rear and pull down #1 (3:25)
Bá 拔 Pull out collar from rear and pull down #2 (0:32)
Zhuāi 拽 pull down using collar and arm (2:21)
Jǐ 擠 press, shove (5:00)
Qìn 撳 pulling down - part one (5:15)
Qìn 撳 pulling down - part two (2:03)
Qìn 撳 pulling down - part three (7:52)
Tūn Tǔ 吞吐 to “swallow and spit”, pull and push (0:54)
Tūn Tǔ 吞吐 to “swallow and spit”, pull and push with jackets (6:24)
Diào Luó 釣落 diagonal pulling (5:42)
Zhuàng Xiōng Qián 撞胸前 chest pummeling (1:09)
Zhuàng Xiōng Qián 撞胸前 chest pummeling #2 (1:40)
Quān 圈 under-hook (1:05)
Kào 靠 shoulder striking or leaning (1:42)
Kào 靠 shoulder striking or leaning #2 (1:44)
Tún 臀 hip striking (1:19)
Zhào Jìng Shǒu 照鏡手 mirror hand (3:19)
Xié Dǎ 斜打 diagonal striking (5:56)
Suǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking - one (6:59)
Suǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking - two (7:27)
Jiā Bó 夾脖 neck surrounding (1:30)
Hòu Jiā Bó 後夾脖 #1 (6:23)
Hòu Jiā Bó 後夾脖 #2 (2:05)
Bàn Jiā Bó 半夾脖 half neck surrounding (arm inside side strangle) (0:22)
Fǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 reverse neck surrounding (headlock / guillotine) (3:33)
Fǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 reverse neck surrounding (headlock / guillotine) - against leg attack (2:15)
Diǎn Xué 點穴 or Diǎn Mài 點脈 (archive / teaser) (0:15)
Cǎi 採 plucking (2:49)
Sī 撕 tearing or dragging (2:04)
Sī 撕 tearing or dragging #2 (6:19)
Chē Lún Shēn 車輪身 Wheeling Body (3:42)
Chē Lún Shēn 車輪身 Wheeling Body #2 (5:40)
Mǒ Méi 抹眉 eyebrow mopping (1:32)
Mǒ Méi 抹眉 eyebrow mopping (0:41)
Mǒ Bó 抹脖 neck mopping (6:42)
Kāi 開 Crowbar into steering wheel (雙猴手擰) (1:58)
Fēng 封 Wedge / throat locking (2:26)
Chēng 撑 reach in between arms against two hand grips (2:58)
Suǒ Shǒu 索手 twisting hands (4:09)
Shí Bā Mó Qiáo 十八摩橋 Double Hand Push (4:10)
Níng 擰 Spinning (to twist, to unscrew) - quick view (0:47)
Níng 擰 Spinning (to twist, to unscrew) (5:58)
Cuō 搓 rub (face locks) - against leg attack (1:45)
Cuō 搓 rub (face locks) - rear face lock (2:30)
Jié 截 “cutting” with forearm/elbow (1:53)
Nián 黏 sticking - quick view (0:26)
Tuō 脫 Cast Off, Escape by Scraping - one (1:58)
Tuō 脫 Cast Off, Escape by Scraping - two (1:21)
Tuō 脫 Cast Off, Escape by Scraping - three (7:12)
Kuí 魁 manipulate or throw by the head (2:41)
Reverse Qín Ná 反擒拿
Defense against rear strangle (Hòu Jiā Bó 後夾脖) (7:45)
Technique 技術 - Wrestling 摔法
Foundations for push hands and Shuai Jiao (wrestling) (11:21)
Basic concepts for wrestling and throwing (1:21)
Tuī 推 Pushing - one (5:27)
Tuī 推 Pushing - two (4:21)
Chǎn 產 Yielding - one (3:03)
Chǎn 產 Yielding - two (5:37)
Chǎn 產 Yielding - three (3:17)
Chǎn 產 Yielding - four (4:56)
Chǎn 產 Yielding - five (5:04)
Shuai Jiao push hands 推手 (4:22)
Tūn Tǔ 吞吐 to swallow and spit pull and push (6:24)
Seven-star stepping 七星步 (6:12)
Introduction to hand throws (1:20)
Kòu 扣 Press / Knee seizing (5:34)
Outside side gate 外側門 Kòu 扣 knee seizing (2:49)
Shǒu Bié 手别 hand blocking (1:21)
Shǒu Bié 手别 hand blocking continued (1:10)
Outside side gate 外側門 Shǒu Bié 手别 hand blocking (2:14)
Meridian Stepping 子午步法 vs Seven-star stepping 七星步 (1:32)
Tāo 掏 inside knee seizing (1:32)
Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing (6:55)
Cuō 撮 leg pick up (3:23)
Bà 耙 raking against heel - one (3:15)
Bà 耙 raking against heel - two (2:25)
Inside side gate 內側門 – Bà 耙 raking against heel (2:11)
Bà Ná 耙拿 ankle pick (2:04)
Inside side gate 內側門 - Bà Ná 耙拿 ankle pick (1:33)
Sweep to set up Bà Ná 耙拿 (2:29)
Sweep to set up Bà Ná 耙拿 #2 (1:17)
Bà Qiā 耙掐 hook and press down on leg (0:49)
Yǎo 咬 shin bite (2:15)
Guì Fān Dào Shù 跪翻倒樹 kneel to overturn the tree (2:06)
Qiè 切 cutting or reaping (7:33)
Outside side gate 外側門 Qiè 切 cutting or reaping (4:24)
Fēng Qiè 封切 sweep with throat locking (0:20)
Combination throw: Qiè 切 cutting or reaping into Kòu 扣 Press / Knee seizing (0:59)
Combination throw: Qiè 切 cutting or reaping into Bà 耙 raking against heel (1:30)
Wèn 搵 hip throw #1 (6:30)
Wèn 搵 hip throw #2 (6:31)
Extra detail on hip throw (1:33)
Dáo 捯 Arm drag to Rù 入 “through” or cross body hip throw (2:34)
Dào 倒 - “outside hip throw” (4:37)
Bié 別 leg block #1 (2:56)
Bié 別 leg block #2 (3:27)
Chuāi 揣 shoulder throw (inside) (6:37)
Chuāi 揣 shoulder throw (outside) (5:28)
Kuǎi 𢫑 “limp leg” (3:08)
Tiào 跳 hooking up the middle of the legs (1:01)
Liāo 撩 backward kicking (1:21)
Dé Hé 得合 inner hooking (2:02)
Inside side gate 內側門 - Dé Hé 得合 inner hooking (2:09)
Guì Dé Hé 跪得合 (1:53)
Inside side gate 內側門 - Huō 豁 Open (2:38)
Lǒu 摟 body lock throw (9:22)
Kào 靠 shouldering (4:10)
Kào Mó 靠磨 lean and grind with the head (0:57)
Outside side gate 外側門 Bā 扒 double over-hooking of legs (1:33)
Bā 扒 double over-hooking of legs (0:57)
Explanation of Zhuàng 撞, Guǎn 管, and Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (0:30)
Zhuàng 撞, Guǎn 管, and Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (0:30)
Guǎn 管 far arm scissoring (3:00)
Tī 踢 sweep / foot sweep (10:13)
Tàn 彈 springing foot sweep (0:38)
Inside side gate 內側門 – Tàn 彈 Spring (2:13)
Bào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs #1 (8:54)
Bào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs #2 (3:06)
Bào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs #3 (1:46)
Bào Tuǐ 抱腿 grab the legs - finish a single leg takedown (1:25)
Dǎng 擋 high crotch single leg (2:48)
Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown - finish with "run the pipe" (1:25)
Lāo 撈 picking up/scooping with hand (5:30)
Inside side gate 內側門 - Lāo 撈 picking up scooping with hand (2:53)
Xiān掀 reach over shoulder to grab belt (4:47)
Technique 技術 - Counters to Wrestling 吸 - turning throws
Introduction to Xī 吸 counters to throws (3:02)
Body dropping Dì 墬 (0:44)
Pushing Hōng 轟 #1 (0:50)
Pushing Hōng 轟 #2 (0:41)
Pressing Qìn 撳 (archive) (0:14)
Hōng 轟and combined Bá 拔 (0:46)
Eyebrow mopping Mǒ Méi 抹眉 (1:32)
Eyebrow mopping Mǒ Méi 抹眉 #2 (1:32)
Counter with rolling forearm Gǔn Bǎng 滾膀 (archive) (0:17)
Counter throw by leg hook Gōu 勾 (1:21)
Counters to Wrestling 吸 - counters vs. neck surrounding Jiā Bó 夾脖
Counter with Pàn 判 (1:53)
Hōng 轟 and combined Bá 拔 (1:33)
Counters to Wrestling 吸 - other counters
Chōu 抽 counters to Cuō 撮 (1:23)
Counters to Wrestling 吸 - defense against single leg takedown
Shuǎi 甩 “dump”, “Whizzer” against single leg takedown (1:32)
Cuō 搓 rub - hooking cross face against single leg (1:45)
Fǎn Jiā Bó 反夾脖 - reverse neck surrounding against single leg (2:15)
Counters to Wrestling 吸 - defend against front body lock 摟
defend against front body lock 摟 (2:23)
Technique 技術 - Wrestling for Free Fighting 散打摔法
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa (9:47)
Sixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Mǒ Bó 抹脖 neck mopping (quick view) (0:22)
Sixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Mǒ Bó 抹脖 neck mopping (3:10)
Sixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Suǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking #1 (0:33)
Sixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Suǒ Zhǒu 鎖肘 elbow locking #2 (1:50)
Sixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Xié Dǎ 斜打 diagonal striking (1:17)
Sixty Four Techniques 六十四技術 applied against punching - Jiā Bó 夾脖 neck surrounding (1:30)
Throwing techniques 摔法 applied against punching - Fēng Qiè 封切 sweep with throat locking (0:20)
Throwing techniques 摔法 applied against punching - Chuāi 揣 shoulder throw (0:35)
Throwing techniques 摔法 applied against punching - Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (0:20)
Introduction to San Da Shuai Fa part two - securing the clinch (6:26)
Securing the clinch (another look) (12:09)
Throws - outside side gate 外側門 part one (6:11)
Throws - outside side gate 外側門 part two (3:12)
Throws - outside side gate 外側門 part three (3:59)
Throws - inside side gate 內側門 part one (13:04)
Throws - inside side gate 內側門 part two (13:04)
Head movement 閃頭 to set up takedowns - duck and attack legs (6:00)
Head movement 閃頭 to set up takedowns - “slipping” and entry steps Jìn (進) (2:00)
Head movement 閃頭 to set up takedowns - “slipping” and entry steps Jìn (進) #2
Introduction - punches to set up takedowns (2:36)
Punches to set up takedowns -Lǒng 攏 gather, front double knee seizing (1:36)
Punches to set up takedowns - Bào Dān Tuǐ 抱單腿 single leg takedown (1:46)
Punches to set up takedowns - Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing #1 (1:37)
Punches to set up takedowns - Jiǎn 撿 leg seizing #2 (2:04)
Punches to set up takedowns - Guǎn管 far arm scissoring (3:34)
Zhuàng 撞, Guǎn 管, and Luó Hàn Shě Shēn 羅漢舍身 (1:46)
Kicks to set up takedowns (3:12)
Technique 技術 - bridging Qiáo 橋
Crossing the bridge 橋 #1 (3:56)
Crossing the bridge 橋 #2 (4:48)
Crossing the bridge 橋 #3 (11:14)
Crossing the bridge 橋 - with boxing gloves (2:07)
Technique 技術 - ground fighting 地面功
Introduction to ground fighting (5:55)
Introduction to basic principles of ground fighting (3:21)
Leg passing, pinning, “X pattern” stepping #1 (6:30)
Leg passing, pinning, “X pattern” stepping #2 (3:29)
The intersection of break fall and ground work (8:47)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 - knee on body #1 (4:45)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 - knee on body #2 (3:22)
Pinning Technique 抑制技術 part two (6:55)
Get up from floor 起立 (9:02)
Defending against a standing attacker - six (6) basic positions (8:39)
Meridian / Straight Line Stepping 子午步法 - unicorn step 麒麟步 Qí Lín Bù
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