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Tibetan Diamond Body Qi Gong
Diamond Body Qi Gong First Standing Series
introduction to Diamond Body Qi Gong practice (2:35)
Diamond Body Qi Gong: stance and breathing (1:33)
Diamond Body Qi Gong: preparatory exercises (3:14)
Diamond Body Technique: "Baai Sau" (2:03)
3/28/20 More preparatory exercises (4:53)
Standing post practice (preparatory) (3:09)
3/28/20 Stretch the upper body (Chyuhn Ging) (1:14)
Diamond Body Technique: "Ancient Tree Ten Thousand Branches" 古樹萬枝 (5:50)
Diamond Body Qi Gong: modification using one arm (1:59)
Diamond Body Technique: "Wheeling Body" 車輪身 (2:52)
Archival: "Palms Through the Sky" 通天掌 (3:45)
Archival: "Support the Sky" 托天掌 (3:43)
Archival: "Arhat Worships Buddha" 羅漢拜佛 (3:47)
Diamond Body Technique: "Arhat Smashes the Ground" 羅漢拍地 (3:17)
Archival: "Wei To Offers the Pestle" 韋馱獻杵 (1:57)
More on "Wei To Offers the Pestle" (3:42)
Diamond Body Qi Gong: Horse Stance and Forward Bending (2:08)
Archival: "Tyrant lifts the Incense Pot" 霸王舉鼎 (2:11)
Archival: "Open Window to Look at Moon" 推窗望月 (3:29)
Archival: "Collapsing Bridge" 崩橋 (1:43)
Archival: "Four images five elements" 四像五行 (10:23)
Archival: "Hungry Eagle Seeks Prey" 餓鷹撲食 (1:35)
Archival: "Goose Flaps wings" 飛鴻斂翼 (1:02)
3/28/20 Arhat Looks at the Sky 羅漢觀天 (2:48)
3/28/20 Bend Forward to View the Sea 舍身探海 (1:44)
Archival: "Seven Stars" 七星 (2:36)
Diamond Body Qi Gong First Seated Series
Variations on seated practice part one (4:58)
Variations on seated practice part two (5:06)
Variations on seated practice part three (5:36)
Archival: "Palms Through the Sky" 通天掌
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